


Haynes 230




Haynes 230


Haynes 230合金概述 点击进入阿里巴巴店铺

Haynes 230合金N06230(UNS N06230/W.Nr。2.4733)是一种碳化物强化镍铬合金,合金添加钨钼增强合金强度、稳定性



Haynes 230应用概况

Haynes 230合金已用于制作先进航空发动机的燃烧室部件,使用状况良好,热力和石化加工、热处理,以及矿石和金属精炼。

Haynes 230相近牌号

GH3230 (中)   N06230(UNS N06230)(美)   W.Nr.2.4733(德)

Haynes 230执行标准

海恩斯Haynes 230 执行标准
标准 板材 棒材 无缝管 焊接管 锻件 管件
ASTM B435 B572 B622 B619/B626 B564 B366
ASME SB435 SB572 SB622 SB619/SB626 SB564 SB366

Haynes 230化学成分

海恩斯Haynes 230 化学成分
元素 C Cr Ni Fe Mo W Co
质量分数/% 0.05-0.15 20.0-24.0 余量 ≤3.00 1.00-3.00 13.0-15.0 ≤5.00
元素 Al Mn S P Si La B
质量分数/% 0.2-0.5 0.30-1.00 ≤0.015 ≤0.30 0.25-0.75 0.005-0.05 ≤0.015

Haynes 230物理性能

海恩斯Haynes 230 物理性能
密度 熔化温度范围 热导率 弹性模量 比热容 电阻率 线膨胀系数
g/cm3 λ/(W/m℃) GPa J/kg•℃ μΩ•m a/10-6℃-1
8.91 1360-1410 12.4(100℃) 211.5 426 1.26 12.6(20~100℃)

Haynes 230力学性能

海恩斯Haynes 230 机械性能
品种 抗拉强度MPa 屈服强度MPa 延伸率A %
板材 ≥790 ≥345 ≥40
带材 ≥790 ≥345 ≥40
棒材 ≥790 ≥345 ≥40

Haynes 230

Haynes 230

Haynes 230 (UNS N06230 / W.Nr.2.4733) is a carbide strengthened nickel-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy with an exceptional

combination of strength, stability, and resistance tocorrosion at very high temperatures. Alloy N06230offers particularly good resist

-ance to oxidation attemperatures greater than 1800°F (980°C). It also offersgood resistance to carburization and nitridation.The

limiting composition of alloy N06230 is listedin Table 1. The alloy is nickel-base. Chromium impartsresistance to high temperature

corrosion. Oxidation isfurther enhanced by a micro-addition of the rare earthelement, lanthanum. Tungsten and molybdenum incon

-junction with the alloy’s high carbon content arelargely responsible for the strength of the alloy. Thecreep resistance of alloy N06230

is optimized bycontrol of the boron content.The combination of high temperature strength andresistance to creep, stress rupture, and

corrosion makethe alloy attractive for service at temperatures above1800°F (980°C). Potential applications includeequipment and co

-mponents for land-based gas turbines,thermal and petrochemical processing, heat treating,and ore and metal refining.

